Monday, August 15, 2005

To make matters worse

One: This morning the bug was a half hour late, tells me that she is sorry and that she will make it up. (First I expected her to be late because our boss is on vacation this week and the bug is a creature of habit, and second, why the hell is she telling me?) So I mention that I am sure she has enough comp time to cover a half hour. At which point she tells me that she hasn't been keeping track of it. I can't believe it! The cow is ruining comp time for us all and she is too stupid to write it down! Ugh!

Two: Mr.3 and I were talking to a mutual friend yesterday who has had, for lack of a better word, a "priviledged" upbringing who announces that poor people are those that have to work for a living. Let's forgo the fact that this is an incredibly misguided statement, and the fact that she has never really met and talked with a truly "poor" person, and let's get to the fact that I don't think that I have ever been as offended by a comment than I was that one. Chalk it up to naivety but she was lucky that I didn't slap her.

Three: My klutziness is really beginning to depress me. Last night, Mr.3 and I were taking a walk when I tripped on the edge of the sidewalk, fell, and twisted my right ankle. But in the best of spirits, I got up and continued walking, only to trip again 15 minutes later and twist the OTHER ankle. So now I have the double-limp-waddle thing going on today. I am such a dork.

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