Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Blah blah
One of those days at work already. I come in and there is an empty tissue box on
my desk...why you ask? Because Debra who is operating under the assumption that
I am her personal secretary and not the OFFICE secretary, couldn't find the energy
to walk over the supply closet and get herself a new box of tissues. Then she
wanted to have them moved over to this office. Why? There is no room for them,
that is why we have a storage closet. Duh. Just get off of your skinny ass and

Last night Libby and I went on a condom search (she and Colin are out again), the
trip was successful, but also reminded me that the condoms I bought forever ago
will expire next March...the 4 year celibacy anniversary is looming... after our
search we went over to the bar and had a beer, because we could. Normally we play
pool, but decided against it--so we just "hung out" in our nerdy way and made plans
to have a study day at the bar. Forget going to the coffee shop and reading over
a cup of joe, a pitcher of beer would be better. Hell, I have had a study drink
forever, I might as well make it public.

Set up a web tracker for the Center's website. It's addicting. I can sit and
watch in realtime everyone who visits the site. The power is scary, but my boss
thinks that I am a genius for setting it up. I'm not, but since the girl that
was here before was such a slackass I appear to have superhuman secretarial
powers...muhh haa haa

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