Friday, October 03, 2008

To Buy the Phone or Not Buy the Phone?...

.....That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler to in the mind to suffer the pangs of not having that shiny new phone or use the money to buy that dress I need for November? To dress, to tweet; no more, and by a tweet to say everything I think in less than 140 characters to all of my followers, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To dress, to tweet; to tweet, perchance to blog: ay, there's the rub.

so what should I do? The money is just begging to be spent. Buy the beautiful new phone and get the dress later in the month, or get the dress now and the phone later? Ahh! the choices!


Anonymous said...

I am a family member of Mr. 3 - he has been traced down to Costa Mesa California - wanted for identity theft in Maryland, Florida, Georgia, California - There are warrants in Maryland and Florida - if you need anymore information respond to the blog comment - and by the way Good Luck -

Delal said...

Georgia is new to me. You should also add Utah to the list. Please email me at or if you feel more comfortable calling, my cell phone is 801-520-3582. I would definitely like to speak with you.

Unknown said...
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