Instead of shopping for another bag....a cringe-worthy activity in itself....I am reusing a bag that I apparently used last in 2003. How do I know the year? Because I am notorious for changing bags and never fully cleaning it out when I change to a new one. The end result is that there are little time capsules inside these bags which I shove into a storage bin. This one had an old paystub in it....and a beautiful gem of epicness.
My first dinner party in my first apartment was a grand affair. It was a fancy dress party in which we all sat on my floor (no chairs really) and played Clue. Best. Party. Ever. And it was co-hosted by the loverly Libby. We gave out handwritten invitations and everyone was given a royal title. So the beautiful gem of epicness? The invitation draft and the guest list were in the bag! So I will share the guest list and the invite here:
The List:
Lady Tara of the Earldom of Dehart
Czarina Ann and her Consort Erik
Emperor Paulus Caesar and Laura Queen of the Nile
Lord Casey and Lady Rebekiah of the House of Phelps
Infanta Rebecca of Spain
Ammon Khan- Most Glorious Conqueror of Brazil
Baron Drew and Baroness Emily
Sir Nick
Duchness Kathryn of Murdock and her companion Duke WhatshisnameIforget
Sultana Deborah and her Concubine Libby
Principessa Lacy
The Invite-
You are cordially invited to an exclusive evening of laughter, tears, inexcusable inebriation, pomposity, pretentiousness, delectable virginal sustenance that will pleasure the most devious of connoisseurs; an evening of unsullied mirth, non-nonsensical gaiety, deplorable revelry, jovial girth, phallic stunts; an evening of stimulating oral tete-a-tetes; an evening with us: Sultana Deborah and her Concubine Libby on Friday November the Twenty-First at Eight in the evening.
Formal dress is required; RSVP requested.

I contend that I'm still hot shit.
Oh yeah