Friday, April 20, 2012

Apparently, shaking my fist in anger was a good thing

Who knew?
Today has been one of those days where things that could have gone wrong, have gone very well instead.

 Installation guy came late.....which was ok because I had forgotten he was coming at all until he called which gave me a chance to get dressed.  He gave me a $25 gift card for being late.  Then he ended up taking twice as long as anticipated doing the work and gave me another $25 gift card. Which I am going to donate to our awards ceremony at my office....not out of altruistic reasons, but because it gives me a HUGE amount of breathing room.   Also, his lateness meant that I got to work some extra hours on job 3 while I was waiting, and now I have made up the 1.5 hours I was bitching about yesterday.

Had Yoga Teacher Training last night and found out that everyone has been dealing with strange emotional I can chalk some things up to mass hysteria.  Thank you universe.

Also had a meeting on some grant stuff at work which was very enlightening and new changes that we need to make at work are not as scary as they sounded earlier in the week.  Plus, a grant payment check arrived today and anyday where I can deposit money for the office means less stressing about the books later.

September doesn't feel so far away today, which means that the HBM withdrawal is subsiding.  And the feelings of general twitterpation have returned.

So yeah.....apparently shaking my fist, a grumpy face, and a foot stamp was enough to set the world straight....who knew?

1 comment:

Koska Turkish Delight said...

Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that I'm interested in, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.