Friday, November 05, 2004

this will sound crass, but

when is Arafat going to die?! It was alright when he was in the hospital, but now that everyone and their dog is on his deathwatch, I am too. Not because I particulary care about the Palestinian issue (I do, but I have other activist priorites) but because the second he dies, we are going to get a hundred press calls into the center. And "I" depends on me to get him the most up to date news so that he can comment on it. Part of me doesn't mind, because keeping up on the news is not seen as goofing off on my job, but quite helpful. I just hate having to wait for someone to die. Although my prediction is that he is already dead and that they are just waiting to affairs settled, like what they did with the President of the UAE died earlier this week. So there is my news gripe.

so at Steph's party last weekend, I met this guy named Nick, and he seemed really nice. Steph agreed to "talk" to him, but I kind of paniked at the thought of dating again. Odd really. humm... oh well.

and next Friday I am going to take off from work to celebrate Eid al-Fitr with my family. Now I am the only Muslim in the family, and I celebrate all of the Christian holidays with them, so we are starting a new tradition this year of celebrating the Muslim ones as well. My mom is going to buy the food, and I am going to make a huge meal for all of us, bread from scratch (I make excellent pita bread), kabobs, that sort of thing. It will be different and hopefully fun.

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