Thursday, November 04, 2004

the return of JB

or rather of her horrible offspring.

Remember dear readers, that a few months back JB had surgury on her arm? well at the time she also got a temporary handicapped parking permit. It wasn't anything that she really needed, because in the beginning she wasn't supposed to drive at all, but she swore that she needed it because she would get "tired" walking from the parking lot to the building. Ok, I could have bought that excuse for a while.


JB shares a car with her daughter Shira, who takes classes at the University. JB has since gotten a new job terrorizing someone at a school somewhere in the valley. While I feel sorry for that unfortuately person, I am very glad that it isn't me. Shira however is a perfectly healthly 22 year old. Who is still sharing a car with her mother, and still---even though her Mom is not on campus---using and parking in the handicapped spots here on campus, as I noticed while walking into work this morning.

Now the law specifies those parking spots for those that need them, not the stupid selfish people of this earth who assume that if no one sees them leaving the car that it is ok to park there. These are the same type of people who if left alone in a room would have no problem stealing something if they knew that no one would find out. Where is this family's sense of right and wrong? JB and her horde are producing more and more generations of obnoxious, deceiving, and selfish people. Ugh! I fear for humanity.

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