Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Putz Example Number 10 and Hall of Fame induction

Last Friday we had a delegation of Iraqi diplomats visiting the office, high ranking enough that there was a 6 man secret service detail with them. So the team swept in and guarded all entrances...well the bug, hearing activity in the hall (I swear she waits to hear people in the hallway and then comes out to join them) comes over to the main office to "make a cup of tea". While she is there she not only berades me that I didn't offer anyone coffee or tea, never mind the fact that she hasn't caught on yet (and she has been here like 7 years) that our office doesn't run like that, but I told her that they were our boss's guests and if he wanted to offer that to the visitors that I would make something, but only under those conditions....but she also...and this is the worse part...thought that it would be funny somehow to make a pretend gun out of her hand and take aim at objects around the office and pretend to shoot and blow the smoke off of her "hand"gun in front a fully armed secret service detail! And this wasn't for one instance, but she did it several times and for a minute or two each time...I am not sure how I can classify the embarassment that I felt, and thank god it was only the security detail that saw her do it and not the visitors.

So for this action alone she is named as Putz Number 10, and seeing that in one week she has won 3 awards (she has been pretty active this week) I hereby bequeth you the shiny staple crown of PUTZ to the Highest Degree...I am sure that the sun will never set upon your reign.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Wow! Is it possible that some people are able to pass through life without acquiring any common sense?