Saturday, October 01, 2005

No More Freakin' Spam Comments

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use my blog comments to peddle your own sites! It isn't welcome!


Jason said...

It is happening to everyone. It is abviously automated and triggered everytime one posts. I noticed that after my most recent post, just waiting 5 seconds and hitting refresh button caused two spam comments to appear. It is really pissing me off too.

Rosemary Welch said...

Have you tried using Haloscan instead of Blogger for your comments? I don't want to jinx myself, but I don't seem to get any. I use Haloscan. I AM NOT promoting them. They have their problems, too. lol.

I understand what you mean is all I am saying. That is why I did not give the link. :) (If you'd like it, e-mail me and I will give it to you.)

Rosemary Welch said...

Now, for the reason I wrote. I read your article over at the Global bloggers! I love reading the KBU! I just wanted to let you know I thought you wrote a fine article. There was no place to leave a comment. I kinda understand. :)