Sunday, February 24, 2008

sunday blahs

I'm not updating as often as I should but I think that is because I am becoming obsessed with Twitter. So I guess if anything, you can always look at the Twitter updates on the side of the blog.

Things seem to be going well. I have been going out with friends (notice the plural please) and have been excited about some of the "new acquaintances I have been forming" .....I've been reading Jane Austen lately and I am still thinking in that vocabulary...hence "new acquaintances" rather than just saying that I am super excited -and oddly twitterpated- over a new friendship that I am developing. He's really nice and interested in me and what I have to say. The attention that he pays to me is something that I haven't experienced in a long time. I don't want to say too much at the moment...partly because I don't want to jinx anything. Also, I need to remind myself that friendship is what I need at the moment, and not another emotional entanglement. Not that I wouldn't mind being entangled.....

I'm done with the second batch of antibotics, and I feel better but I think that my ears are not fully healed. I've got a doctor's appointment on Monday for a follow-up. I've finally managed to fully clean the house. It looks beautiful. And cleaning up the physical clutter has done wonders for the mental clutter.

Even though I would say things are doing better now than a month ago or two months ago..... all of the working is really getting to me. I feel weary. Yesterday I signed on to job 3 and could only manage one I am not sure how far I am going to get. I don't really need to be working as much....but I have extra expenses that I am saving up for...the divorce (on track for the end of the month for filing!), taxes, and I really need to do something about my brakes. I think that this pace will continue for a while. Hopefully, next month won't be as hectic as this month at job 1. We have had 2 to 3 events each week that require long days, add preparing for podcast interviews, and the tedium of trying to manage everything needed in under 30 hours a week .... it's enough to make you crazy.

And really all I want to do is contact el-new friend and talk...but it isn't really appropriate to do so yet. Guess that I should just get back to work anyway.


Libby said...

I was wondering how much dinner Friday has been on your brain. I guess now I know! Glad your ears are better. I'm so impressed that I remembered to read your blog twice in like seven days. Do you feel the love?

Anonymous said...

Hi Delal, I have some inquiries about the KBU blog that has been inactive for quite some time. Will it ever be revived?

If not, would you or someone else be willing to release it to another group of individuals who want to actively write on the Kurdish issues?

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