Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Whoa, in reference to the angry comment that was made about how I said Utah was white...I am as white as they come, and I had lived in the wonderful land of Utah for 16 years, moving from Texas where I was born. I am not some "middle eastern immigrant" who is being forced to "stay" in the US. My comment was made to illustrate that it is pretty sad that the republican party can not attract supporters of a more diverse heritage. And I will further elborate on this, Utah is one of the most restrictive and conservative communities to live in, not being Mormon means you are excluded, and it wasn't exactly a piece of cake growing up, but I survived it and it made me stronger and a bit more worldly in my understanding of things. Perhaps you should be in yours.

1 comment:

Mike O said...

Yeah, Utah is rather 'pale' and I understand what you'r talking about in terms of not being Morman (try being the direct descendent of a well-known Morman and NOT being Morman in Salt Lake :)

As for your current job, all I can say is 'Yuck'; that's even slightly worse than being a lawyer or a politician (I've been the latter, for a short stint). But hey; you do what you have to do.