Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The results are in

All of my bloodwork came back negative for my stomach issues. It is really annoying to know that, sometimes I just wish that the Doctors could find something wrong with me so that it could get fixed and that would be that.

JB has been really quiet today. I think she now understands her place. And you know for all of the lecturing that she gives about security and how I can't have access to her office because all of the files are in there, what does she do...she copies someones PAN form (it is a human resourses form) and leaves in the copy machine. These forms have all of a person's personal information on them, not to mention what they make. These forms are classified and she leaves them out in the public copier. I took the forms and put a note on it that said "For someone who is so worried about security you should watch what you leave in the copy machine", this is twice now that she has given a lecture on security and then on the same day leave something that is really important out in the open. God, I am glad that she is leaving. Although she did give me a lot of material... Oh, well..I am sure that I will find something else to rant on about.

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