Friday, October 01, 2004

I can see clearly now JB is gone...

I can see all obstancles in my way...none of the dark clouds that had me's gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiney..REST OF MY LIFE!
Thank god she is gone, gone gone gone gone gone! She came in for a half hour today, still fakeing that she had lost her voice. She turned in her keys to me, not her office key mind you-she turned that in to Kate--but hey she turned them anyway. She also left a note in my desk that says "Debbie- Thank you. -Debra" attached to a $20 bill. Now I know why this is there, she tried to give me 20 before and I wouldn't take it from her. It is because she screwed up on a reimbursement for me. She can't admit that she did anything wrong, but she is willing to give me the money. I really don't want it. It feels dirty in a way. What I wanted her to do is just admitt that she screwed up, and I would have forgotten about the $20, hell it has been almost 3 months anyway. Unfortuately she left before I could give it back to her, but I was "fixin" to. I think that I will keep it as "ass-hole tax". It will buy Libby and I dinner anyway.

"I" has hit new heights of cuteness. The union wasn't selling his rice pudding anymore so he started a petition to get rice pudding back on the menu. It worked. Who ever said that democracy was dead?

Kate, the new girl, is awesome. I just love her. "I" likes her as well, his office door has been open since she has been here.

I am a little annoyed with Hydro Air at the moment. The girl in marketing who was making appointments just got fired and now no one has any appointments because they can't figure out what in the hell she did. So I might be working tonight, I might not. It is obnoxious. I would like to make some money.

On to the subject of wisedom teeth. I am feeling better and as you can probably see I am a lot more "with it" than my past post. I stayed home yesterday and slept. It was nice, it I could sleep all day more of the time I definitely would. My mouth still hurts but I am limiting all pain medication. And I feel like I am a little squirrel because everything keeps getting caught up in my cheeks. I guess that it is time for another salt rinse.

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