Monday, October 04, 2004

Sleep...the best way to spend a weekend

Instead of going home to my parents like normal I stayed at home this last weekend and did absolutely nothing. Well I did something, I cleaned off my desk, but that isn't much to anyone but myself.

Dear sweet and gorgeous Richard/Abdullah at work gave me a copy of his new CD. It is pretty cool, although I think that I am focusing more on the music than work, which perhaps isn't the best thing to do in the world. His band is called Marginal People , give it a look.

Jimmy's, little bro, hermit crabs went all psycho this weekend. Alpha, who is still alive somehow, was involved in a shell fight and ALL of his legs were ripped off. Normally they might lose one leg or a claw, but it has never been heard of that all of the legs have been ripped off. So Alpha looks like a little worm, but apparently surviving. And then Shibley died last night in another shell fight.

I watched this infomercial on the bun and thigh roller on Sunday, and as I was watching I realized that you could do the same exercise onthe edge of the couch. So I did the recommended 5 minutes and man, does my ass hurt! But at least I didn't have to pay 3 east installments of $29.95 to be in the same pain that those models were in. ha ha fat girls's revenge!

1 comment:

hiwa said...

wake up! :)