Wednesday, November 03, 2004

the best quote of the election:

" an American election, there are no losers, because whether or not our candidates are successful, the next morning we all wake up Americans."
-John Kerry from his cessesion speech

So while I am disappointed that Bush won, things just return back to normal (although normalcy in our foreign policy sucks). When I was deciding how to vote, Bush and Kerry were pretty much the same on foreign policy and it was only domestic policy that they differed. And I am fine with paying more taxes as long as I see them accomplishing something, I am not ok however with tax cuts to people who can afford to pay their taxes. As far as I am concerned, if 20% is being taken out of my paycheck, then 20% should be taken out of someone like Donald Trump, an equal burden to us all.

It does sadden me for all the support that Bush has gotten from the Kurds in Northern Iraq. They like him because he removed Saddam from power. But he didn't remove him from power because he was concerned for the welfare of Iraq's "oppressed peoples". If helping the oppressed was really part of the US foreign policy agenda, just think of all of the horrific atrocities that the US should have intervened in and/or prevented. I would advise those who support him to be wary, because you will get burned if you trust in him too naively.

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