Monday, November 29, 2004

for those who are waiting to hear the gossip

well, there has been demand for further details about Mr.3, one request was his real name-Mike-and that will be the last time you will see it written.

this weekend at my parents was wonderful...but kind of funny as we were flirting/getting to know you the whole time, all the while under the watchful gaze of my parents..who love him. Jimmy had an amazing ability to come and bug me at the worst moments. Last night we drove back up to Salt Lake. the weather was bad this weekend, so we had to wait until the pass was clear. He had locked himself out of his friend's house (and his friend was trapped down south because of the weather) so he stayed at my house. and..well...after talking and some funny attempts to get over that awkward stage of who is going to make the first move..we got things straightened out..let's just say that that 4 year celibacy thing is over.

and to add to the twitterpation thing, he is wandering around campus today and comes in periodically. so there have been a couple walk-by make-outs. tonight, he is making dinner. well I am very very happy, and I blush all the time. and now I am the object of office-gossip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are happy , I know you are blushing ! from what you had to expect from the mesterious (donkey rider !).........well it is only a flash in the frying pan keep calm for the event unfold . .it will take time might know ,be optimestic you never know the horse rider(hopping) come on donkey or on a bicycle ,You might come cross the horse the rider instead of the Donkey rider ........Try valurise yourself as time on your side ,as one of the many things we have (fear to be left on the side line !)...........well, this is diffused among the female folk ,was valid in the past ,but not any more !
As a final conclusion might come cross MR right , left or center (what is left over !)at the end is you who has to live with yourse! and be contented n't let the cloud haze your vision !