Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Super senior, I am not!

So today on the radio I heard the local morning show mention [BG]'s name, as the advisor for the Jordan High drama club, and can I just tell you how happy this makes me. For starters, [B] and I were very close friends in high school, I had a huge crush on him and he knew it the whole time, but we never got together, the friendship was paramount. A couple of months ago I met him again at one of Colin's performances. The entire time we talked he bragged about his kid and kept reminding me of his wife --who was sitting next to him, literally the girl next door who he married less than 2 months after returning from his mission---the same girl who ended up pregnant with a month or 2 of marriage, and how that happened is unknown since they lived in his parents basement when they were first married...anyway, after this meeting I was furious with him, not at any point did he bother to ask how I was or what I had been up to in the past seven years since we left high school. But after this morning, I realized that he hasn't left high school. "Advisor" positions in the drama club were alway reserved for those people who had graduated but still hung out with the club, super seniors as it were...except [B] is a super senior seven times over. How pathetic is that? And yes, I rejoice in this, yes, it can be seen as petty, but it was the icing on the cake for this morning.

In other news, Mr.3 and I signed the lease agreement on Linda's Dad condo this weekend. Most of the weekend was spent with Mr.3 and I passing the same cold between us. However, yesterday I was really sick and had to go home early from work. My fever finally broke about 11:30 last night, and I feel much better now. Also last night, we went to the Marriot so that Mr.3 could sign the job offer letter. He starts next Monday. The evening (even with me being sick) was pretty good with the pre-celebratory nookie and the post-celebratory cheese fries at the Training Table.

This morning, they were working on cleaning the carpets in the office. So with the work being done on the vents in the hallways, the fan for the carpets, and all of the doors being open it is really cold in here. Currently I am typing with gloves on, it is slow going, but it works.


Anonymous said...

Your facts are quite off...
Returned from mission:
Jan 19th 2000
June 5th 2000(5 months)
Moved directly to Cedar City
Became pregnant:
Feb. 2001 (8 months after marriage)
Child Born
Nov. 2001 (9 months later)
Moved in with parents:
June 2003 (3 years after marriage)
Hired as Drama TEACHER at Jordan High School (Adviser came with the job)
August 2004

It's funny how your point of view is effected by your emotions. Bitter party of one.

Delal said...

wow...I guess that I stand truly humbled, oh anonymous one, who is really not that anonymous but is quite capable of google-ing his own name.

If you were the teacher, and I have no doubt that you are, next time doublecheck with the media when you are quoted so that they get your name and title right.

oh the the faux-mohawk that you had your hair in a couple weeks ago at the Gateway...please...don't... it is frightening.

I hope that you have since moved out of parent's home...I wouldn't know because of my lack of "information".

And this "bitter party of one" is in fact two...and if you had read beyond your name in the post..you might have realized that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my stalker!
The fact of the matter is I dont care about all this past stuff. I dont care to create a google blog identity just to respond to your bitter 2 year old rant that my drama club historian stumbled upon by googling my name. I dont care that x96 called me adviser; I dont care that you think it is pathetic that I was one. I dont care that you don't like my hair cut. I dont care that I lived with my parents while I saved up for a house. I dont care how many of you there are bashing on me in your blog.
What I do care about is that someone who doesn't even know me anymore is distorting information about me to make her feel better about herself. I didn't realize i had ever done anything to hurt you so badly. I am sorry I didn't ask you more about how you were doing. I am sorry. I have never thought anything but nice things about you until now.

Delal said...

For not caring, you cared enough to reply. Hummm...interesting.

And for not caring...you checked back to see what I would say. Hummm....interesting.

Your actions do not reflect your words.

Anonymous said...

I googled Bradford's name looking for his obituary today. Found this. Looks like you never got over that crush. RIP Bradford

Delal said...

Wow, oddly mean out of the blue comment. First of all this post was 7 years ago! And then the weirdly angry comments between Bradford and I happened 4 years ago. Since then I haven't thought about or talked with him. Let's stop making assumptions, ok? Time has passed.

What I am more concerned about is the fact the Bradford has died? What happened? I mean, that is really young to pass.

Anonymous said...

Have some respect for his two children who are now left alone in this world without their Mother or their Father and delete this blog.

Delal said...

Dear Anon,
I can understand that you are grieving and that just by being here and having an opinion that was over seven years old that you have made me out to be a villain. This is just one blog post....and in 2007 in a separate post Bradford and I had a dialogue and came to an understanding. At that time he did not ask me to remove his name from my blog. He was fully aware that this was out there in the ether that is the internet. I also left this posting up because it shows me in a light that is not very positive, but of an angry young girl. To be reminded of my own personal growth is the reason why this blog and this post will stay exactly where it is.

If Bradford has truly passed (something that I haven't been able to verify and you haven't been willing to give details on) I think that he would want to be remembered as a human being who could be flawed and humble and open to the opinions of others. I think that everyone would want to be remembered in that way.

Having said that, I don't want to have to deal with the angry grieving of strangers by posting hurtful and presumptuous comments me on the internet....I don't want to have to deal with someone "trolling" on me and trying to make me feel guilty that there are two orphaned children out that I have never met. So I've compromised and removed his full name from the two blog posts that are within this blog. Due to the nature of the internet, it will take some time for that to register on search engines.....but it will still take the same amount of time for it to disappear even if I had deleted the blog post itself.

I hope that you will be able to find some peace in your grief, but please do not take your anger out on me. I don't think that is something that he would want anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's really easy for people to justify their selfish acts behind the veil of the internet. By not removing this post, which should never have been written in the first place, you are saying that your need to acknowledge your own growth is more important than these two innocent children and their grief. Save a copy to your hard drive and delete it. Hopefully someone will do the same for you if, heaven forbid, you find yourself in the same situation.

Anonymous 2 said...

Let me clarify as I am one of the anonymous posters (yes, I said one, meaning that these comments are not the same person and multiple people find this post offensive).

1. I did not mean to say you should delete your blog. I meant this particular post on the blog. Freedom of speech is one of our greatest gifts and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Deleting your entire blog is silly and dramatic. I'm just saying that one day his kids will google him and finding a mean and bitter rant about him being a "super senior" by your less mature self is not what he would want to come up.

2. I think you are making this about YOU when it is actually not about you at all. You say "I don't want to have to deal with the angry grieving of strangers by posting hurtful and presumptuous comments me on the internet". How is saying "have some respect for his children" or, as the other anonymous poster said "looks like you still have that crush" angry, hurtful or presumptuous? Again, consider that this isn't about you.

3. I understand your desire to document your less mature self. I think changing his name is a perfect compromise. You can keep the integrity of your "blog" and this subsequent post intact while protecting the innocent. I say innocent because although I agree he would be fine with being shown in a less than positive light due to HIS actions, this post wasn't about that. It was about your interpretation of how he treated you by not asking how you were doing. He, in fact, did nothing more than choose not to ask you the right question at the right time. That question being "how is your life?" While that can certainly come across as selfish, it in no way is cause to belittle and make fun of the career choices he made or the fact he lived with his parents post marriage. That's just small and spiteful, in my OPINION.

3. In a recent post on your blog, you refer to him as a friend and state that you are grieving him. Wow, that's a HUGE turn around from the way you portrayed him last time you talked about him on the internet. If you are indeed a friend, I think removing his name is a good way to act like one.

4. People aren't talking about his death because they don't want to talk about it. Plain and simple. I don't know why that particular detail has anything to do with removing his name from a post that, again, makes fun of him and his life decisions.

I can only speak for the one post that I made yesterday, which was the 2nd anonymous posting. What is written above is merely my opinion, which I also have the right to express. I feel no anger or any other emotion towards you. I think it's a mean spirited post to begin with and I am glad you acknowledge that you have grown since then. Good for you. I just know if my husband and I were to both pass away, I would very much want my daughter to be filled with positive memories of us. I would want loved ones to tell her all of our silly stories, embarrassing moments, successes, failures and everything in between... but i would NOT want her to find some post on the internet that belittled the life decisions I made.

What you do is up to you. Again, please know that no anger is directed towards you in anyway.