Thursday, January 27, 2005

So apparently a smoking vacuum is a bad thing.

Last night, I am at the old apartment trying to get it clean so that my landlord can have it back for the weekend to paint and such...and I am trying to get a bunch of it cleaned before my Mom comes to meet me there to help clean because well...honestly the dirt and stuff all around was embarassing. So I am vaccuming trying to make a clean spot in the house, and I am traveling on over to the bedroom when I run over some yarn which quickly ravels around and around the brush in the vacuum. I turn it off and start to try to take out the yarn and the vacuum is smoking. Not a little, but a lot, I was lucky that it didn't start to spark or burst into flames but the end result would have been the same...I managed to blow out the motor on a fairly new vacuum, and couldn't finish cleaning the apartment.
So if you take into account, the vacuum, my tiredness and all of the stress from lately, hopefully you can understand my cracking at this point. When my mom came to the apartment I was in a ball on the floor, crying, having a nervous breakdown of sorts. Thank goodness she just took control because I was just worthless. We got a lot of the garbage taken out of the house, but there is a lot of cleaning to be done, which my Mom will work with me on later tonight. Fun all around. They left a vacuum at the new condo which we will use in the apartment to finish up, but I should probably look into getting a new vacuum, that is unless Mr.3 has one that I can mangle in time. This is the third vacuum in 5 years that I have managed to destroy somehow.

1 comment:

Emmunah said...

Don't worry it's not you. One day I am going to take a good sized poll because I'm convinced that no one can make a vacuum cleaner work for more than a year (except my mother, and I think she cleans it with qtips twice a week or something). I bought the last one for $300 and it only actually picked up dirt for a year, then it sort of worked for a couple more. They always work until the day AFTER the warranty is up too. I think there must be vacuum cleaner demons...maybe past ghosts of angry housewives that haught those things. Okay, now I'm sounding silly...but you know what I mean. Never was more unreliable machine invented!