Monday, March 21, 2005


so I have 20 minutes or so before I have to go to my class, and unfortuately this is the only thing that I have to occupy my time, not that blogging is a bad thing, but rather the lack of anything interesting to say.
Mandy, the old AA, pre-JB, came in today with her little baby. Connor is so much fun to play with and I keep telling her that she should call me to babysit. If I play with other people's babies, I get it out of my system. I am not in a position to have a child at this point in time, oh, but one day I will....hummm...babies....yeah I really need to play with some other people's kids.. Last night Mr.3 was watching some show about bible code and within it the world is supposed to end in the year 2012 (which incidently is also the same year that the Aztec calendar ends). If this is truely the case I would like to have a kid before then, but 7 years is a ways off, how knows how my life would change... a little over 3 month ago I wouldn't have predicted that I would be where and with who I am with now so the sky's the limit for the future.

but back to the bible code thing...something definitely doesn't feel right about it. And granted it appears to be a good predictor, but it predicts using a combination of words that could loosely fit together in a crossword style faction. There is the distinct possiblity that people are trying too hard to find something out of nothing. Plus, if this in turn turns out to be true then it says very little for the improbablity of determining your own fate. And I'm sorry but that is way too much control for me to give up. I'll agree to having a series of choices presented to you, and whatever choice you make determines your fate, but I don't want to feel like something is controlling me. Although, I should get a book on it for my Dad, he loves this conspiracy theory stuff.

Speaking of books, I finished the book called "the 13th element", it is about the history of the element phosphorous..and it was incredibly good....although I think that it scared me a bit more than what I would like about nerve agents, the chapter about the possibility of spontanous human combustion was quite humorous. Now I am reading a book called "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" which is all about punctuation. Highly humorous. But this last week of reading items completely unconnected with my current field of study was a wonderful idea, last night I worked on Turkish, and it came along fairly easily.

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