Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The height of laziness

I wasn't going to blog about this, but since I have 3 examples of the bug's lazy behavior that have happened in less than 12 hours, I just had to list them.

1. Yesterday while I was at Linguistics class, the bug came and found Mr.3 and asked for help....with removing the spider webs from an office that one of the professors had asked her to do. These spider webs weren't high or out of her reach, just something that she didn't want to do. Now I have to go and talk to her about it. Mr.3 doesn't work there and she has no place asking him to do her work. She has in the past gotten him out of the computer lab to change the water in the cooler, even though I was sitting at my desk and capable of doing it.

2. She comes in this morning wanting to know if we have a class set up and if it isn't she wanted the withheld numbers for it. She keeps ALL of the withheld numbers. Not only was the course set up, but she had already had all of the numbers she needed. So instead of looking in her own office for the information that she needed, she walked all the way down the hall to ask me, just so she could dictate to someone. Good thing that I made a copy of those numbers because she probably has lost them.

3. She also came to me today (a separate trip mind you) to ask for a student's email...SHE KEEPS ALL OF THE STUDENT RECORDS AND THEIR INFO!!! The extra annoying thing was that the student she asked for the information for was the same kid who was taken ill after model arab league...the same kid that she threw a fit about in Kate's office because she felt that we were holding back information on his condition to her. Her reasoning was that he "was her student" and that she is entitled to know everything. Well I am sorry but if you can't even handle the records that you are paid to handle...are you entitled to the information?

Additionally, she keeps coming in here asking if I have seen this professor or the other, which is fine, but when she comes in every 5 minutes for the last hour, it starts to grate on the nerves.

Yesterday there was an article slamming the academic advisors at the university and how bad they are at their jobs. She saw it and told me later that she hoped no one would write about her because in the first couple of months she didn't know her job very well...hate to burst her bubble...but she still doesn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hshhahahahahah that made me laugh