Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Curiousity is killing the cat far this morning the bug has been doing everything to be the biggest busybody imaginable...even though I have sent her emails (through gritted teeth) that the boss has asked me to send to "keep her informed"...she will call me several times about the same email so that she can check up on me...I keep telling myself to calm down and breathe, but it helps, only a very little...

The bug had her meeting this morning at 10am and it lasted a little longer than mine did. I can't hear very much at all from where my desk is, only when voices were raised, but Mr.3 was working on his paper in the Zucker room and could hear better. The only times I could distinctly hear her voice is when she would pipe up "Well, she did this...and she did that..." and according to Mr.3 it would always be followed by the director or the associate director going "now, hold on a minute, that is not the case..." Mr.3 thinks that it went alright, I am just hoping that it went all right.

There is a student having his oral comps today and of course the bug is making huge overtures to be perfect by bringing expensive treats and such (eventually she will charge this all back to the center anyway). Well she had set up as much as she could before her meeting, and it was about 20 minutes to noon (when the comps were scheduled) and I thought that I would be "nice" and turn on the coffee maker for I said I am trying, I really am. When she came out of the office she wouldn't look at me and wouldn't acknowledge me when I told her that i turned on the coffee for her so that it would be ready...

part of me really hopes that her meeting was a true "come to jesus" meeting (since i have my own cult I don't need to worry), but if I have to deal with the humiliation of being nice to her she should have to be nice to me as well. And I guess that she has probably has taken my "helpfulness" as a sign that that she has "won", but I guess this meeting turned her straight.

Either way, I am annoyed that she isn't "trying" as sucks sweetie, get over it. The curiosity is killing me about what was said in that meeting, and finally I really want to know what she was blaming me with besides the matters that she came to me with...there must have been more because she was in there a long time...and honestly my ego does have a hard time when I find out that someone has issues with me and won't let me know so that I can change them...who knows those issues might be something that I can't really ever change (like the whole being more popular thing)...God I hate this middle school shit...

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