Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Smelly stuff

I forgot to mention this. So this weekend I went searching for something to make the office smell better ---we had a steam pipe burst in the building and it still smells awful. So I found some stuff at Kmart, it is the kind of warm oil thing that you plug it. Only I have found that it is so strong that you can't leave it plugged it even on the lowest setting. So I guess that it will probably last a lot longer now that you don't have to plug it in. I only hope that it will be strong enough to counteract the smell of a particular foreign student in the department....keep your fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, no comment on said smelly stuff.........However, am interested whether the Candian Oil Company( name? anyone know)that recentely signed an exclusive oil deal with Mr Barzani is going to benefit the Kurds in general, or is it somethg like the Bush deal with Haliburton..........If anyone knows the name of this company, I would like in some way to support them in their effort to bring some kind of prosperity to the suffering Kurds that have been oppressed for so long.....

I am just an old man that would like to see justice for these people.

Anonymous said...

Correction please to email on greybear comment